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Litepanels is one of the pioneers of LED panel lighting for the television and film industries. Back in 2001, a handful of gaffers and lighting engineers from Hollywood set out to revolutionize lighting on set. Using the then-new LED technology, they wanted to develop a lightweight, slim luminaire that was very versatile and also quick to install. The light was to have a soft, HD-friendly light that could be continuously adjusted without any noticeable change in color temperature: The now familiar 1x1 LED panel was born.

Today, Litepanels considers itself the market leader in LED lighting systems for the television, radio, video, and film industries. The company develops its products with performance, reliability, and efficiency in mind. Numerous innovative lighting solutions have been developed over the years, including camera lights, fresnels, RGB special effects, and wireless control systems.

Nowadays, lighting solutions from Litepanels are used in television and streaming productions such as ''Stranger Things'' (Netflix), ''The Blacklist'' (NBC) or ''Artemis Fowl'' (Disney). Litepanels luminaires can also be found in the meeting rooms of the White House and the Pentagon, on the International Space Station, and in a number of TV news studios.